Call for Papers

Full paper and abstract both are welcomed to submit. Topics are listed but not restricted to the followings:

Special Session Ⅰ  Navigating Change: Adapting Business and Society to Global Transformations

Economic Resilience in the Face of Global Shifts
Innovative Strategies for Business Transformation
The Role of Technology in Global Societal Adaptation 
Sustainable Practices for a Changing World
Leadership Challenges in Times of Global Transformation
Cultural Diversity and Inclusion Amidst Global Changes
Policy Frameworks to Navigate Economic and Social Shifts
Digital Transformation: Opportunities and Challenges
Environmental Responsibility in a Changing Business Landscape
Social Impact and Corporate Responsibility
Global Supply Chain Resilience and Adaptation

Special Session Ⅱ  Exploring the Interplay of Spirituality and Counseling: Challenges and opportunities

The title “Exploring the Interplay of Spirituality and Counseling: Challenges and opportunities” encompasses the mere exploration of incorporating spirituality in counselling. It suggests  a careful examination of the risks and ethical considerations involved in integrating spirituality into the counselling process. Likewise, it also emphasizes the challenges or the potential difficulties  as well as the opportunities that may arise when incorporating  spirituality in counselling, based on the related literatures and  the speaker’s experience with various clients coming from different cultures and religions. Moreover, it will explore potential issues that may arise when balancing the integration of spirituality with evidenced-based practices in counseling.

Communication Management
Language and Communication
Information Communication
Communication Arts
Education Communications and Technology
History and Geography
Human Geography
Literature and Poetry
Music and Art
Regional Studies
Religious studies
Museums & heritage
International Economics
International Finance
Banking and Financial Markets
Econometric Models and Applications
Public Economics and Public Policy
Population, Demography and Fertility
Energy, Environment and Resources
Transport Economics
Behavioral and Experimental Economics
China, India and other Emerging Economies
Singapore and other ASEAN Economies
Asian Economies
Economics of Social Issue
Economic History and Economic Thought
Economics of Technology
Economics of Information
Economics of Policy and Governance
Emerging Economies and Transition
Special Education
Higher Education
Rehabilitation Counseling
Language Education (ESL/TESL)
Human Resource Development and Leadership
Elementary Education
Rural Education
Early Childhood Education Curriculum, Research and Development
Education Policy
Educational Measurement and Evaluation
Finance Engineering
Stock Market
Finance Management
Risk Management
Civil Law
Criminal Law
Public Law
Economic and Financial Law
Labor and Social Law
International Human Right Law
Legal History
Conflict of Laws
Copy Right Law
Climate Change Law
Business & Management
Business Administration
International Enterprise
Human resources
Logistics and Supply Chain
Organizational Behavior
Information Management
Electronic Commerce
Industry Innovation
Corporate Governance
Management Innovation
Hospitality and Tourism Management
Political Science
Public Administration and Policy
International Affairs and Strategic Studies
Governmental Systems & Practices
Politics and Ethics
International Relations
Political Economy
Regional Studies
Reforming and Consolidated
History of Western Political Thought
Western Constitutional Thought
Cognitive, Psychological and Behavioral Sciences
Social Learning and Systems Approaches to Marriage and the Family
Anxiety and Depression in Children and Adults
Prevention and Early Intervention: Child Disorders, Substance Abuse, and Delinquency
Advances in Clinical Behavior Therapy
Aggression and Violence throughout the Lifespan
Educational and Psychological Sciences
Child Abuse: New Directions in Prevention and Treatment across the Lifespan
Ideal Mental Health Services
Childhood Disorders: Behavioral-Developmental Approaches
Suicide: Prediction, Prevention and Intervention
Cognitive task analysis
Social Studies
Globalization Impacts
Social Research or Social Science
Online Society and Social media
Social networks/ organizational studies
Sociology of Everyday Life
Social Theory
Social Welfare and Policy
Member Center
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Important Dates
Submission Deadline
May 10, 2024Still Open
Notification of Acceptance
April 01, 2024
Early Bird Registration Deadline
April 30, 2024
Registration Deadline
May 31, 2024
Conference Dates
July 18-20, 2024
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